That’s me, taking a shot at myself.
Welcome to APN Photography School. My name is Shivanand Sharma and I’m the person behind apnphotographyschool.com. I’m a photography enthusiast and while it’s not how I make my living – I’m the go-to person in my circle when it comes down to photography. And while I pursue photography as one of my passions I’d like to share what I read, learn, the mistakes that I make and everything else photographic.
I have had a technology site wherein I got a lot of questions and requests about the latest photography gear and techniques. So I decided to share the information through a dedicate channel on the subject and thus apnphotographyschool.com was born.
Some of you who are professional photographers may find that some of the articles written here are a little basic while others may find certain articles somewhat advanced. However this site is a blend of tips for starters, intermediate photographers and the professionals alike.
About US
APN thus is basically a learning environment which is more of a medium to share and learn photography than a single way communication. If you are a seasoned photographers or have shot photographs that you’d like to show us and share join out Flickr group – APN-Readers (an open group which anyone can join and share their photos). If you are a professional or a long time enthusiast you can share your tips with the APN community through this site. If you have questions use the contact form and drop us a line. We’ll see to it that your queries are answered.
This website is not a formal workshop or curriculum by any means. It’s more of a community which everyone is free to join, participate, share and learn – and all this information and everything being open and free. However we do run limited advertising to help us cover the cost of running this site (think dedicated hosting, server maintenance and tech support). However this does not incur any cost upon you.
As the site has a large community, it is updated regularly. The best way to make the most of this site is to bookmark it. Also you can get free subscription and have the latest articles delivered to you by email or you can read them in your feed reader.
Welcome again to APN. I hope you enjoy this experience, share and learn some great tips and go out and shoot some of the most amazing and creative photographs. Do share them with our Flickr group and feel free to invite attention for feedback or critical acclaim.