
This is a guest post by Nick Vinken. Nick Vinken is a photographer / videographer based in the Netherlands. On his website, he shares valuable advice for starting photographers and filmmakers. He mainly discusses gear considerations, but also publishes tips, tutorials and informational articles. Depth of field (DoF) can be a difficult concept to [...]

Focal length, f-number, f-stops — are you set for a little physics on the part of the art called photography? As much as photography is about capturing the shots with an artist’s eye, it is equally about understanding the science applied in the creation of a photograph. At a preliminary stage, we hold the camera [...]

Author’s Intro: This article is contributed by Subroto Mukerji. Subroto is an amateur photographer of long standing who especially loves to review cameras, lenses, etc. As a passionate hobbyist, he also loves to share his thoughts and insights on various topics related to photography. I became serious about photography in the late seventies of the [...]

Every photographer needs to post process the images; if not always at least on the occasional basis. I am sure they must be using Gamma Correction while correcting exposure of an image in Adobe Photoshop. Gamma is widely used but rarely understood concept in photo capturing. Technically, it is defined as the relation between a [...]

Modern DSLRs have made our life much easier. Most of the manual tasks including a few post-processing effects are now achieved during the shoot itself. One such very important mechanism is auto focus. We see through viewfinder and press shutter release button, the camera automatically focuses on the very first object placed or moving in [...]