
I was 7 years and was surprised when someone told me there are more than 7 colors. Later I realized the human eye has a limited color perception and it can only see those seven colors of the rainbow. Infrared is a color spectrum which falls outside the perception of the human eye. So you [...]

Does the image quality of your picture always elude you? At times it gets confusing why image quality of one camera is better than the other with same mega pixels or may be less. What is it all about? When we talk about image quality we need to consider a few factors — the camera’s [...]

The exposure in the photographic sense means exposure of the film or the image sensor to the light. Exposure is a critical and single most important fundamental of photography. Exposure rests on the three pillars of the aperture, shutter speed – the time the aperture remains open during the shot and the ISO which is [...]

The aperture is the small opening inside the lens that controls the amount of light falling on the film or the digital sensor. It is one of the pillars of exposure and its diameter is denoted in f-numbers or f-stop. Remember that this value is relative as it is the ratio of the aperture to [...]

Exposure in the context of photography is the amount of light which the photographic film (or the sensor in a digital camera) is exposed to . If that sounds simple then read on. Exposure is one of the central concepts of photography. The art of photography rests on the perfection in exposure; that is capturing [...]