
HDR With Any Camera — Take Control Of The Dynamic Range Like A Pro

HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography is the in-thing. If you are new to the subject do read more about what HDR photography is. So while HDR seems like a lot of fun and beauty, it looks surreal but fake. There are photographers going crazy trying to shoot HDR, bracketing trying to dodge the science behind [...]

White Balance — Unlocking The Secret To Great Color

White Balance is one of the most neglected controls on a digital camera. You can tweak settings like contrast and sharpness etc. but most of us still choose to set the white-balance to auto. While white-balance is used to correct the color temperature of the  pictures, it is a very powerful tool to manipulate your [...]

Demystifying HDR — High Dynamic Range Myths And Truths

High Dynamic Range photography is a very interesting aspect of photography. HDR photos being out the never-see-before details in the photograph making it life-like. This post is dedicated to the subject and is an effort to shed light on some of the lesser known truths about HDR photography. What is dynamic range? Dynamic Range of [...]

Portraying Weather And Various Levels Of Light

The topic needs some explanation before we proceed to the finer details. It is one thing to shoot a subject in various levels of light however when light itself is the subject, the entire gamut of generic rules take a paradigm shift. Long time back in the earlier days of my fascination with photography, I [...]

Breaking The Rules Of Photography — Before You Break The Rules

I was having a casual conversation with a renowned photographer. And he proudly said that it was all about breaking the rules – he never follows any rules. He said he does that because if he followed the rules he would never have grown beyond those rules. Though breaking the rules is creative, lately I’m [...]