
Nikon has launched the successor of the original AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR. This lens is for all the photographers who wanted a compact and lightweight solution with a better range of focal length. The Nikon 18-300mm VR (16.7x zoom lens) was announced on 10th April 2014 and will be available in the market [...]

I‘ve shot around 60,000 photographs with my Nikon D80 and it is pending a shutter-unit replacement. I’ve shot almost everything with it. That’s the camera with which I grew as a photographer and that’s why APN happened. It was the only camera I had so far and the only lens I used it with is [...]

This article lists some of the finest new cameras launched in 2012. Though the selection is obviously colored by our own preferences and predilections, it will be hard to deny that each one is a top performer in its respective category. However, you have all the say in the matter. Feel free to mention your [...]

It was almost by accident, as it were, that I returned to photography after a gap of almost a quarter of a century. I’d bought a Samsung notebook online, and had been intrigued to discover a little stowaway in the parcel — a freebie in the form of a Samsung pocket digital camera! I wasn’t [...]

This is part II of Nikon Coolpix P7700’s hands-on-review. Refer part I of the review here. The Back Plate Of The Camera A glance at the well-populated back plate will show that the P7700 means business. We‘ve discussed the vertically sliding control that activates the pop-up flash. We’ve also covered the well-knurled dials on the [...]