Tips & Tricks

10 Essential Tips That Every Compact Camera Owner Must Use

Compact cameras are portable, easy to use and loaded with all sorts of features. They are easy to sneak around and are the most used cameras in the world. Nikon, Canon, Sony, Samsung; all the major market players are striving for getting the best and distinct features to make photography an excellent beginning for you. [...]

Photographic Documentary Of A City

Editors Note: Today we have a guest post from Vikash Gupta. Vikash is an amateur photographer and he likes to photograph landscapes and night life in the city and enjoys experimental photography. He has a blog — The Ups, The Downs and The Curves. Also find Vikash’s Photostream on Flickr. He has visited several cities [...]

Capturing a photograph which stands out of the crowd is quite a challenging task. It’s about capturing the motion, blur, depth of field, light, colors, reflections and much more. But how do you shoot these particular situations and scenes? So many parameters are taken into consideration and precision is often decisive. Here are some How [...]

Photography as an art, requires skill, talent and knowledge to master the art of photography and become a professional. Gaining the knowledge & understanding what your camera sees and rendering good composition is just one aspect / dimension to becoming a pro at photography. Apart from the basic knowledge of photography concepts of exposure, aperture, [...]

Sunset Photography — 6 Photography Tips For Great Sunsets

Sunset is the magical moment of the day —  time to rejoice the accomplishments (of the day). Everything in the vicinity becomes serene, subtle and full of warm colors (to complement the glory of sunset). Brightness of the sky, whiteness of the clouds and the chirping birds — all fade away with the setting Sun [...]