Tips & Tricks

Be it a beginner, amateur or hobbyist, all have a common query — How do I become a better photographer? Should I join a photography school, read the masters of photography or buy a high-end camera available in the market. The answer is simple — practice the art. You can become better at what you [...]

Author’s Intro: This is a guest post by Valerie Byrd. Valerie loves writing about the latest events. As a photographer, she incorporates both talents and does freelance blogging. As photographers, we all treasure photographs, especially when it is close family and friends or something you’ve created with great interest. So, here Valerie is talking about [...]

Bokeh is just awesome. The aesthetic blur of out of focus lights make up for a perfect background for adding that dreamy look and feel to the portraits. Also it works wonders for nature photography as well — the close-up flower photographs and selectively focused landscape shots. While it may look that you have to [...]

Author’s Intro: This is a guest post by Jiji Thomas. Jiji Thomas works with SmartPHOTOeditors as a content writer. His interests include blogging, creative writing and photography. You wouldn’t come across a real estate listing without an accompanying picture these days. A picture of a property or a house gives visitors or prospective buyers an [...]

Digital photography is nothing more than the sophistication of photography. The art of photography has traversed ages, from daguerreotype in 1836 to rapidly evolving digital cameras. What changed with each new invention in the field of cameras and photography is the convenience of shooting the images. Once a luxury device, the camera is now more [...]