Tips & Tricks

Getting there at the right time is all that matters! It simply pays you off with great colors and amazing shots. And just like you all might have experienced the rewards of photographing in golden magic hour, it is worth experimenting photography in the Blue Hour. The Magical Appeal Of Blue Hour Many photographers including [...]

Sheer colorfulness, diversity and power of expression — that’s what life is and that’s what Lomography revolves around — capturing the essence of life; that too with film camera. Yes, you get it right! Lomography is all about sharing your love for analogue photography. In all its hype, Lomography has emerged as a powerful community [...]

Have you explored Flickr’s interestingness? It showcases unique, unusual and of course interesting photographs captured by enthusiasts, hobbyists and even pro photographers. Flickr’s interestingness is a hub of unique ideas and amazing photography techniques. Wide open aperture, motion blur, multiple exposures, creative overexposure, dramatic lighting, beautiful bokehs and the list goes on… All these image [...]

Photographers are creative beings. From time to time, they employ their imaginative skills to bring all that difference to real world captures — to make the shots more dramatic, mysterious, dreamy, hazy or soothing. The photographer’s keen interest to eye the world through the camera’s viewfinder acts as the inspiration for creating mood in the [...]

About the Author: The article is written by Peter Smith. He is expert in identifying fake and manipulated photos. Apart from that he has varied knowledge of wedding and portrait photography. To know more about him visit corporate video production and corporate event filming. Whatever some may say about their photo-shooting abilities, the iPhone, when [...]