Rick Sammon says, “Light illuminates, shadows define” and this combination of light and shadows add a lot of drama to your captures. Sidelighting in this respect can radically increase the drama of an image by employing the lighting ratio that perfectly balances the light and shadows. This technique of photographic lighting adds shape, texture and [...]
Tips & Tricks
Low light conditions, mixed lighting and bustling creativity is what sets apart the night photography. The moonlit sky, shining stars, artificial lighting, sparkling fireworks magically transforms the everyday world to the arena of colors, light and action to provide an excellent opportunity for taking the magnificent shots. Just equip yourself with night photography tips and [...]
Author’s Intro: Kevin provides various tips and tricks on wedding photography, portrait photography and family photography. Flash photography is one of the photography techniques where, once mastered, will produce extremely amazing and beautiful photos. However, many people do not completely understand what flash photography is, or the correct technique that should be applied. This is [...]
Silhouette is an excellent option for exploring the creative side of photography. Silhouette photography paves way for creating interesting and arresting images. A silhouette is a view of an object or scene consisting of the outline and a featureless interior, with the silhouetted object usually being black. Be it natural light or studio lighting the [...]
Shutter speed is one of the most creative tool in photography. In one instance it allows you to freeze the moment and on the other extreme, it induces motion blur for dramatic effect and enhanced mood. But that’s not it! This creative control opens up a world of amazing opportunities like painting the scene with [...]