Author’s Intro: This is a guest post from Roxy. Roxy is a writer who loves to share ideas on photography, art and printing. Whether it is for personal or business needs, she can provide useful tips especially on creating postcard printing. Photography is one of the most exciting and fun-filled activities or hobbies that anyone [...]
Tips & Tricks
The marine life underneath the waters is full of surprises. Wonderful colors, unusual shapes and challenging conditions make it all the more interesting to try underwater photography. Underwater photography in its true essence offers the possibility of many exciting and rare photographic opportunities. Apart from photographing the flora and fauna underneath waters, photographers also pursue [...]
With numerous jewelery manufacturers, retailers and designers emerging daily, jewelery photographs have become an important medium to showcase their valued possessions to the customers. With this, the scopes of jewelery photography has increased immensely. But the small and reflective property of jewels make photographing them a sophisticated task. In addition, since jewelery is a luxury [...]
Photography, like every other creative art needs inspiration to improve. Be it a professional or an amateur photographer, human beings are prone to running dry of new ideas. Instead of getting frustrated and trying hard to come up with something innovative, take some time to indulge in activities that will provide inspiration to you for [...]
Light has always been, and will always be the prime element in photography. In fact, the term “photography” itself comes from the combination of two Greek words— “phos”, meaning light and “graphics”, meaning drawing. To sum up, photography is the art of drawing with light. A photograph can never be right if the light falling [...]