As budding photographers and hobbyists, we are looking for the secrets of the professionals. In photography there are no secrets; perhaps they are obvious facts that have been overlooked or too obvious to be noticed. There are some things which only experience can teach you. Nevertheless, here’s a collection of 11 such things which remain mostly overlooked and are the real and only secrets (if there are any) of professionals.
Professional Photographers Take A Lot Of Pictures But Showcase Only The Best Ones
Photographers do not always shoot selectively. They shoot thousands of pictures and then showcase only the best ones.
A Majority Of The Finest Pictures Are Post-Processed
Almost all the photographs go through post-processing unless they are done by purists. Post-processing is a good thing to do. It was done in the darkroom in the days of the film, it is done in lightroom in the digital days.
Cameras Don’t Make Pictures, Photographers Do
A great camera doesn’t make great pictures. It’s just a tool used creatively by photographers to realize their vision. Photographers also use a variety of unusual effects like lens flare, noise, DOF, etc. to spice up their photographs.
Experience Brings Maturity & Perfection To The Art Of Photography
Practice makes a man perfect and photographers are no exception to this. Practice constantly to master your art of photography. Only then can you have your own photographic secrets. The professional have shot thousands of pictures and trashed thousands of them to become professional. They have missed a lot of scenes and have learned to be ready for the moment. They can visualize with their creative vision, what kind of a result they are expecting. Spend time with your camera and love photography.
Love Photography, Shoot What Inspires You
Don’t take photography to be an obligation. Shoot whenever, wherever and whatever you like. Your love for the subject/scene & photography should be reflected by your photographs. Try to do justice to every shot you take.
The Best Camera Is The One You Have With You
Sometimes, you can miss a shot just because you didn’t have your camera at hand at the right moment. If your camera is not handy it’s pretty much useless. The best camera is the one which is there with you when you need it. Thus your camera doesn’t matter, it’s presence does.
Professionals Have Learnt To Break The Rules
Sometimes the best images come out from behind a subject. Try shooting your subjects from behind. Landscape shots comprising a subject shot form behind give amazing effects. Don’t follow the rules blindly. Learn and have the experience it takes to break the rules.
Professional Photographers Never Cease To Learn
Read the camera manual and always keep learning from your mistakes to avoid making same mistakes again (you can make new mistakes though, and learn from them :)) But reat assured, learning is a life-long process. Every situation is different and every situation brings a new experience.
Professionals Are Painfully Patient
Sometimes, photography tests your patience. You cannot expect a perfect day everyday. If you want to take a shot of the rain, you have to wait for the rain. If you need to shoot in the golden hour, you have to wait for the time to come. Photographers wait months to get the moon right and days and hours for the perfect sunset. Patience often bears good results for photographers.
Photographs Are Two Dimensional
The world looks different to the one eyed camera than to our eyes. Therefore, close an eye and look at the subject to visualize how the final image will come out. You’d have a pretty good idea about what you can expect.
Some Of The Best Photographs Happen By Accident
It’s true. Some of the best photographs happen by accident. See the lotus below. It was plucked out by someone and was handheld when I requested for a shot. One single shot, shot in RAW, erroneously underexposed as I didn’t turn off bracketing (I had to be quick). It just happened. It’s not the best of my shots, but it did come out better than I expected.
Did you discover a secret? What’s your secret?
@Chaps6691: Thanks for your excellent inputs. Glad you like the article.