Photographing people, models, kids specially those who shy off in front of the camera can be tedious job. Posing them simply doesn’t work and you end up taking flat, boring and unflattering images of your dear ones and the self-conscious clients. It’s time to turn their weaknesses into their strengths, just kidding :) It’s time to get the ball rolling in your court, it’s time to introduce the props. Yes, you get it right! Props can really help you in getting the images you want — lively, peepy and expressive.
Props are simple supporting objects introduced in the photograph with a purpose. Sometimes props are used for engaging the subject and at other times props are utilized for adding an element of interest in the photograph. A girl holding the bunch of flowers, a kid playing with his toys, a senior portrait posing with his / her favorite musical instrument are some of the common examples of using props in photography. In fact any object can act as the props — the chairs, pedestals, a book, surrounding elements, lights, etc; anything included in the photograph to balance the visual weight of the subject can be viewed as the prop. Props come in handy for giving a lift to your photographs. A little bit of fore thought and you’re all set to get creative with — The Props.
Props Compliment The Personality Of The Subject
Props add context to the images. Photographing a fashion designer amidst her creations speaks volumes about her work and interests. Similarly photographing an executive in his office with all the awards and rewards in the backdrop recites the success story of the person photographed. Props offer the visual cues about the persona of the subject. Costumes also play an effective role in defining the character of the subject. For instance, simply introducing a cowboy hat in this photograph alters the character of the shot and the subject.
Props Create The Mood
A senior portrait holding a guitar, a kid running after the fascinating bubbles, old man and his stick resting alone on the rugged bench in the park — all have their share of story to tell. While the fascinating bubbles make lighten the atmosphere; stick and rugged bench surges the melancholy.
Props Can Be Used As Interesting Backdrop
To do away with the background clutter or lots of distractions in your shots, place the subject against one of the dominating elements, trees in the garden, an array of awards in the office or lively wedding decors to highlight the story.
Props As The Subject
How about bringing the prop in the limelight? Give it a try — cast the prop as the lead of the story; perhaps by focusing on the prop while blurring the subject. It will add an extra visual dimension to the shot.
Do you have some more creative ideas for using props?