Splash photography is tricky, challenging, a great fun and requires precise timing. It is a refreshing experience to capture the splash of water. It looks classy in the transparency of plain water and adds interest in the photograph when the splash of colored liquid is captured. The precise timing associated with splash makes it tricky to capture, adventurous and exciting. The splash of water takes new shapes and forms and at other times, the spilling droplets fill the frame with amazing effects and results. Here’s APN’s collection of 25 brilliant splash photography examples. Check out our article on splash photography to learn how to shoot a splash scene.
- Wasserglas
- H 2 O!?
- Splash!
- Ring Splash
- Strawberry Splash
- Splashing#2
- Splash!
- Splash 2
- Splash 1
- Splash (5)
- Splash
- Splash Natural
- Splash
- Splash (5)
- Splash
- Splash
- My Splash!!!!!
- Splash I Leica M8
- Episode VI: Return Of The Splish
- Splash!
- Zero Gravity
- Droplet #5
- Nothing In The World Is More Flexible And Yielding
- Martini Splash 3
- Water Splash
Have you tried splash photography yet? Here are some creative ideas to photograph the splashes and water droplets. Check them out and share what you get!
Thanks for this sharing. I like these so much. I will try later.