35 Amazingly Beautiful Abstract Photographs

The creative realm of photography can better be achieved by photographing the regular subjects with a difference. You don’t have to spend time thinking about which subject to choose and pick for adding some amazing shots in your collection, it can be anything — just about anything — ranging from water droplets to out-of-focus floral [...]

Beyond Photographic Subjects — Envisioning The Creative Realm

When I picked up a toy camera for the first time I hunted everywhere for a photogenic subject. I ended up photographing walls, bushes and what not. Budding photographers have always been plagued by the lack of interesting subjects around them. Depending on the cultural values in a specific region it may not be suitable [...]

8 Effortless Options For Creating Impressive Photo Collages

Photography is all about creativity. It is not only restricted to taking and making beautiful photographs but the realm of photography engulfs the presentation aspect as well. Creating photo collages, mosaics, etc come in handy for presenting the photographs in artistic manner. Photo collage is a work of formal art made from an assemblage of [...]

9 Quick Tips For Creating Beautiful Candlelight Photos

Photography and light go hand in hand. Most of the times used as the source of illumination, light can also be creatively used as the subject as in the case of candle light photography. The warm glow of the candle light forms an effective subject for creating an atmosphere of romance, mystery and even hope. [...]

30 Fantastic Examples Of Sparkling Fireworks

Here are 30 fantastic fireworks pictures exemplifying various techniques for photographing fireworks. Sometimes filling the entire frame with the rapid bursts in the sky and at other times photographing the fireworks in context of the foreground / background help in framing some beautiful fireworks shots. It is also a good exercise to try creating bokehs [...]