10 Essential Tips That Every Compact Camera Owner Must Use

Compact cameras are portable, easy to use and loaded with all sorts of features. They are easy to sneak around and are the most used cameras in the world. Nikon, Canon, Sony, Samsung; all the major market players are striving for getting the best and distinct features to make photography an excellent beginning for you. [...]

Photographic Documentary Of A City

Editors Note: Today we have a guest post from Vikash Gupta. Vikash is an amateur photographer and he likes to photograph landscapes and night life in the city and enjoys experimental photography. He has a blog — The Ups, The Downs and The Curves. Also find Vikash’s Photostream on Flickr. He has visited several cities [...]

Wildlife Photography — 50 Awe-Inspiring Safari Shots

Wildlife Photography is one of the most challenging forms of photography, yet offers a lot of opportunities. Ranging from capturing the poses of animals on move to the flight of birds (check out bird photographs here) and from photographing the animals resting in peace to framing their notorious activities; its all fun. It is all [...]

DLSR Desires — 5 Reasons To Upgrade To A Digital SLR Camera

Camera to a photographer is what a brush is to the painter, an essential tool for giving shape (and tangible form) to his vision and creativity. Better the tool, the more control and precision it allows to bring your creativity to life. Our last article was on why your camera doesn’t matter. To keep the [...]

Here’s Why Your Camera Doesn’t Matter

What makes a good photograph? Is it the photographer or his camera? It is almost like asking as to what makes a good painting or a good book. We all understand that an outstanding painting is the masterpiece of painter’s imagination and not his brushes. Similarly, a bestseller book is a result of writers own [...]