Capturing a photograph which stands out of the crowd is quite a challenging task. It’s about capturing the motion, blur, depth of field, light, colors, reflections and much more. But how do you shoot these particular situations and scenes? So many parameters are taken into consideration and precision is often decisive. Here are some How [...]

Photography as an art, requires skill, talent and knowledge to master the art of photography and become a professional. Gaining the knowledge & understanding what your camera sees and rendering good composition is just one aspect / dimension to becoming a pro at photography. Apart from the basic knowledge of photography concepts of exposure, aperture, [...]

6 Secrets — The Lesser Known Facts In Photography

As a field of art, photography is about eternally learning and perfecting the art of photography. However there are certain things which are always discovered or are received as a lesser-known-fact. In the past we’ve seen a lot of these things covered by me here at APN as I discovered them. Here they are for [...]

Splash Photography — 25 Brilliant Examples Of Splashes

Splash photography is tricky, challenging, a great fun and requires precise timing. It is a refreshing experience to capture the splash of water. It looks classy in the transparency of plain water and adds interest in the photograph when the splash of colored liquid is captured. The precise timing associated with splash makes it tricky [...]

Portrait photography is perhaps the most common form of photography practiced. Portraits are about people and representing their personality in the photographs. Portraits form one of the most prominent subject in any field of arts; it serves the purpose of communicating cultures, traditions, events and celebrations. Learning to photograph people is a great experience. Getting [...]