6 Tips On Telling A Story With Natural Framing

Natural framing is a composition technique through which you draw the eye and create interest and mood in a photograph. Natural objects in your surroundings can be effectively used as frames. All you need is some observation and an imaginative eye. Here are a few tips to give your photographs the beauty of  natural frames. [...]

How To Photograph Pets And Children — 11 Tips

Photographing children can be fun. They have entirely different reactions to the camera, are very unpredictable yet lovely in their own ways. And most of this is true for pets too. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of it. Be Patient: In photography patience can be ultimately rewarding (or frustrating [...]

Shutter Speed — 10 Fantastic Photographs On Motion Effects

Motion and movement always add a dimension of activity to our photographs. That is where the shutter speed of our camera can help us get some amazing photographs conveying motion. Shutter speed is the other most used semi auto mode; just next to aperture priority mode. While playing around with the lens opening allows you [...]

Aperture Magic — 20 Awesome Photographs Demonstrating The DOF Effect

The effect of aperture on DOF (depth-of-field) is beautiful. A wider aperture results in a narrow or shallow DOF with the plain of focus distinct from the background (for details check out our previous article on aperture). And have you realized how much the photographers love shallow dof and mesmerizing bokeh effect. The dreamy effect, [...]

How To Create A Realistic Torn Photo Frame Effect Using Photoshop

This is the first tutorial of its kind on APN about photographic and other special effects. I had a beautiful photograph of my son and I wanted to make it my desktop wallpaper. But not without adding some special effects. The torn edge frame effect was the one that came to mind. But the tutorials [...]