Once you’re ready to look beyond the colors you’ll discover the beauty of the colorless world. Welcome to the second part of the Black and White Photography series. In Part I we saw how black and white photography fell a class apart from the colorful world, the kind of challenges black and white photography poses [...]

Black and white photography — An Introduction The language of grays is classy, timeless, moody, artistic and captivating. Black and white pictures draw a lot of viewers’ interest, attention and reaction. Color photographs tend to be boring at times because they are the same what our eyes see day and night. Unlike color photographs, black [...]

Splash photography is challenging and a lot of fun. The reason – it requires some precise coordination, the results are wonderful and you are going to have a lot of fun practicing some coordination with your assistant while witnessing some funny moments. Let’s get started with this fun e-workshop. Items Required For Splash Photography You [...]

2008 witnessed the launch of APN and some of the richest content published on this blog. We tried to cover some of the basics in-depth to form a solid foundation as we and our readers grow as photographers and a community as a whole. Here are some of the posts that made it to the [...]

Shooting in your studio is fun since you are in complete control of the equipment. We looked at the basic and essential equipment for a make-shift studio setup in Part I of this post: Studio Photography Essentials — Tools And Equipment so just in case if you haven’t checked it out we’ll wait. Light – [...]