Remember your first reaction when you saw that finger print impression on the lens of your camera? I do. Without delay I put on my thinking hat and wiped it with a soft cotton cloth. Looked great until I noticed the fine fiber left over from the cotton cloth. I then blew air from my [...]
Have you ever been worried about the maintenance of the lens you have been using? Its obvious for two reasons. One, you have invested so much of money in buying a good quality lens, you can’t afford to treat it badly – you shouldn’t. Second, good lens becomes one of the major factors behind good [...]
Macro photography can be real fun. Macro photography brings out the fineness and detail which is not usually seen by the human eye. The subject being larger than life definitely adds to the fun. Here are a few tips on how you can do better at macro photography. Camera Settings [Macro Mode] The camera’s macro [...]
Ever wondered how your camera makes sure you get the right exposure when you are not using manual settings? The camera has a way of metering the scene for the optimum exposure. Let me correct myself. The camera has several ways of metering the scene for the optimum exposure. On a DSLR you can choose [...]
Taking pictures while you travel can be a memorable experience. As time goes by, the memories of the trip fade but the pictures keep few memories alive forever. You can make these memorable moments better if you prepare well in advance for one important part of your trip: that is photography. So, what do you [...]