In last couple of years, it appears that one of the trending fashion is to create your own photobook. Over the time it has turned into a great hobby and a prevalent decision for picture takers who wish to keep their works in print.
Assembling your first photo-book can be overwhelming. You have to take a number of decisions that will all contribute in creating a photobook that stands out of the crowd. So ideally these tips will lead you through the basic process of choosing the photos, frames and so on.
Moreover, the tips below may set you on your approach to making your first photobook.
Answer the question: “Why am I doing this?”
Firstly, think about the motive of compiling the photobook. Finding out the reason for creating the photobook will help you a lot in moving in the right direction and assembling a photobook that’s cool and creative.
There are a couple of questions you can ask yourself:
- Is it a photo book only for myself or for selling?
- Is it a part of a project?
- Does it need to be accompanied by some other works?
Think about putting all the photos together
Secondly, think about a software you use to make the collages or to put the photographs in the appropriate order. For example, Blurb.Com. This site helps you with making professional photobooks. However, you may not only concentrate on this one. Try to use different websites in order to choose the one that works for you. Moreover, you can go to a library or a bookstore to get some inspiration about how other people create the books. You can get creative and try to copy the layouts or fonts the other authors are using.
Choose the type of Photo Book you want to create
It is the time to think about the type of photobook you want.
It mainly depends on:
- Purpose
- Content
- Budget
It is your decision whether you want to have a hardback or a paperback photobook. In addition, you may feel free to change the size of it and the quantity of photos inside.
Pick the best photos, think a theme!
Your photobook will look better if it consists of the photos that are based on some theme. Say depth of field, shutter speed or time lapse for instance.
The same style or the shots made at the same time frame will also work great.
Select the best photos and if you find that one of them is out of the context, simply delete it and switch to another.
Choose a layout for your Photobook
Select between a full bleed and a border options. The former implies putting the photographs in a way they fill all the page, while the white blanks have to be left if you want to follow the second option.
You may even consider sharing the photo stories along with the photographs. Or you can try overlaying text on the images. So can try just about anything… options are many! Let’s get to the next point.
Think about whether you want to add some text
Usually the photographs are put on the right hand side. The left side is used for writing or typing some captions. It’s your photobook, you can experiment with what looks good. You can organize, design and lay it out the way you want.
If you think that the photo needs a description, feel free to write a couple of words or sentences about it. Although you can write whatever you want, it is recommended to keep it simple and short (KISS).
If you choose to add text, you will have to careful about the choice of fonts. Make sure it goes well with the mood of the images. For example, use bold fonts for landscape photographs and cursive fonts for female portraits.
Select a Cover Photo
This is the most important step in the series — getting the cover photo right! The front image need to present the main idea of your book. It has to be beautiful, interactive and encouraging to inspire people to turn the pages. It has to be awesome and appealing.
These tips will guide you in creating your very first photobook. These ideas will spark your creativity and after making the first one, I’m sure that you will want to create more photobooks. Get creative and put your heart and soul into every step of making this piece of art.
About the author: Lisa Griffin is blogger at payforessays.blogspot.com whose credo is “Be creative and fun! There are two best sides of yours”